
9 Tips to Strengthen Your Organization's Cybersecurity

Written by Zachary Anzalone | Jan 11, 2024 1:00:00 PM

In today's tech-driven world, keeping your organization safe online is more crucial than ever. As cyber threats continue to evolve, it's essential to adopt strategies that everyone in your team can understand and follow. In this blog post, we'll explore practical tips to boost online security within your organization.

1. Make Online Safety a Team Effort

Start by making online safety a shared responsibility for everyone in your organization. Encourage learning through fun and interactive methods. Use videos and simple storyboards to explain important concepts, ensuring that online safety is a priority for all team members.

2. Keep Things Simple: Reduce Your Digital Footprint

To reduce the risk of online threats, try to minimize the number of places where your organization is vulnerable. Identify and get rid of unnecessary accounts with the help of tools like TetherView's Digital Bunker.

3. Control Who Has Special Access

Use tools that control and monitor who has special access to important information. Make sure that only the necessary people have access to sensitive data. Automation tools can help manage access rights according to established rules.

4. Check Your Online Defenses Regularly

Regularly check your online defenses to make sure they're working well. Bring in outside experts to get a fresh perspective, and run simulations to see how well your team responds to potential online threats.

5. Prepare for the Worst with Backups

Assume that an online attack could happen and be ready for it. Regularly back up important information, so you can quickly get back to business even after an online incident.

6. Use Multiple Layers of Protection

Think of online safety like having multiple layers of defense. Use different tools and strategies at different stages to catch and stop online threats.

7. Add an Extra Layer of Security: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Make it harder for unauthorized people to get into your systems by adding an extra layer of security beyond passwords. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a simple way to do this.

8. Check Up on Outside Partners

If you work with other companies, regularly check and manage the online risks associated with them. Make sure that your shared systems and information are secure.

9. Use Virtual Desktops for Extra Security

If possible, use virtual desktops to make things simpler and more secure. This helps reduce the risk of online threats and makes it easier to manage your organization's computers.

By following these straightforward steps, along with using MFA, checking on outside partners, and using virtual desktops, your organization can make online safety a priority. Stay aware of the risks and keep online safety simple and achievable for everyone in your team.

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